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Football movies are great to watch any time of the year, but they're especially fun around Super Bowl season. We're counting down our favorite pigskin pictures, from the perfectly watchable #30...

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Iniciado por 'Máximo riesgo' ('Cliffhanger', Renny Harlin, 1993) y continuado por la hilarante 'Demolition Man' (id, Marco Brambilla, 1993), la adaptación de las aventuras del personaje c...

De son côté, Gerard Butler, très habitué à se préparer pour des rôles physiques, a dit, lorsqu'il a été casté, qu'il a immédiatement commencé son entraînement à base de musculation pour s'assurer qu'il serait crédible dans la peau de son per...

Not as good as the first one, it only links in near the end other then that it's completely separate. I'm baffled as to how and why this exists. Who was clamoring for another one of these. Pop...

This fight is about maintaining the rhythm so that he doesn't push you back to your corner given that he has increased aggression in the fight. Averaged 4 revives. Killmonger Another standard Magneto fight (inspired by Munash), got to constantly ma...